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Family dentistry

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Family dentistry means creating ties with patients, understanding their needs, knowing their liabilities, in order to be able to treat, prevent and provide adequate dental care.  


We offer different services:



- Root canal treatments

- orthodontics

- Dental care

- Descaling

- Full exams

- Full or partial dentures


At the My Smile dental clinic, our patients, their oral health and their smile are important to us and this is why we accompany you in how you should take care of your teeth, and why we advise you on how to complete a good cleaning to make your smile radiant.


Root canal treatments

Root canal treatment involves removing infected, damaged or dead pulp from the tooth.



Orthodontics corrects jaws and teeth's bad postures in order to optimize the postural balance between the bone structures, the occlusion as well as the development of the bone bases for a functional and aesthetic purpose.

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Dental care

The objective of dental care is to diagnose and treat potential dental pathologies, in order to preserve your oral health.

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