What is periodontitis? What are the risks ? How to treat it? All answers in this article.

What is periodontitis?
Periodontitis is a bacterial infection of the gums that is observed by a degradation of the bone and the gum. Unfortunately, it is often silent and painless.
Where does periodontitis come from?
It is caused by the accumulation of food, plaque and calculus between the teeth and the gum. These elements contribute to the bacterial growth of the region resulting in inflammation. The inflammation destroys the bacteria, but also the surrounding tissues, leaving a gap between the gum and the tooth called “periodontal pocket ‘’. In the periodontal pocket, bacteria multiply, inflammation destroys… and it’s a vicious circle of destruction.
The most important factors in the progression of periodontitis are: bacteriological, heredity, smoking, stress, diabetes and other general diseases.
"The inflammation then destroys the bacteria, but also the surrounding tissue, leaving a gap between the gum and the tooth called a "periodontal pocket"."
What are the signs of periodontitis?
The usual symptoms are bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, irritations from hot and cold foods, red and swollen gums and possible loss of gums. In the more advances phases, we note the teeth's mobility.
How to treat periodontitis?
First, a detailed examination of the gum is necessary to target problem areas.
Then, remove any debris and diseased tissue to allow the gum to heal. Manual and ultrasonic instruments can be used. In more advanced cases, an antibiotic may be needed to treat periodontitis.
The chances of a cure are better when the treatments are done from the beginning of the appearance of the clinical signs.
Are the treatments painful ?
The vast majority of patients are treated under local anesthesia. Normally patients feel a certain sensitivity, but nothing unbearable.
Does Periodontitis Disappear Completely After Treatments?
Periodontitis is a chronic infection. We are talking about control and stability rather than total healing. This is the importance of regular follow-ups. In the case of smoking, it is possible to observe a higher risk of refractory periodontitis.
What are the complications if I do not treat my periodontitis?
If the infection increases, there is an impact on the rest of the body. In fact, research shows an increasing correlation between periodontitis and the following diseases: cardio-respiratory diseases, premature delivery, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis and complications of diabetes cases.
I am a smoker, what are the effects of smoking on my gums?
The evidence is irrefutable that smoking is the main extrinsic factor in gum disease. Not only does it decrease the amount of saliva, stain teeth and overload the tongue, it makes the gums more susceptible to periodontal disease. The severity of periodontitis is directly proportional to the amount of cigarettes smoked daily.
Do the insurance reimburse fees related to periodontitis treatments?
Gum treatment is part of basic care. So your insurance plan should normally cover it. However, insurance limits the frequency with which you can benefit from descaling. A check beforehand during your first visit will clarify the situation.